

Sr. UX Designer & iOS Software Engineer · 2009 - 20011

Back before Adobe acquired Behance, I designed and built the Behance iPhone and iPad apps based on Behance CEO Scott Belsky's books, a GTD methodology designed to help creatives. Worked directly with the CEO to build his vision, acting as the sole designer and engineer responsible for the UX/UI, codebase, app submission and app maintenance.

Designing for a wide range of severity and conditions


Tasks for today only - basically the “My Day” functionality of Microsoft To Do, except back in 2008.

amo 2.png

New Task

Single-screen with room for the keyboard. The UI assets and palette were not designed by me, but done in-house at Behance.

amo 3.png


Before push notifications were even a thing!

amo 4.png

Physical notebooks

The in-house design team wanted the app to match the colors of the ActionMethod notebooks. I’m not sure I love how the colors translated, but it definitely on brand.

amo 5.png

iPhone & iPad

In the iPad version, I introduced even more parity with the physical notebooks by adopting the layout. I used the primary section for the “Today” list with other tasks to the right.